What: Soyfood company leaders from Sri Lanka and Ghana will participate in the first Nebraska Soybean Board (NSB)-hosted trade team with the American Soybean Association’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (ASA/WISHH). To provide insight into the quality of U.S. soy and new ways to use soy, the four Asian and one West African food company representatives will tour NSB Chairman Doug Saathoff’s farm at Trumbull and an Ag Processing Inc. processing plant before participating in University of Nebraska-Lincoln Food Processing Center Extrusion Workshop. WISHH is using U.S. Department of Agriculture Emerging Markets Program and Market Access Program funding to support the trade team.
Who: Media availability with:
- NSB Chairman Doug Saathoff (at Monday’s farm tour)
- ASA/WISHH’s representative in Sri Lanka who can share why the trade team is important to these South Asian food companies’ innovation and growth strategies that include soy protein for cereals and snacks.
- CEO of a West African food company and WISHH strategic partner who uses soy protein to make nutritious fortified foods. Collaboration with WISHH contributed to him expanding the company to also produce poultry and other animal feeds made with soy. Background video available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjsrpejW7_I&t=222s
When: Monday, May 16 (farm tour) – Friday, May 20, 2022
- Media are invited to Doug Saathoff farm tour
- Monday, May 16 – 11:00 AM – 5050 E. Lochland Rd. Trumbull, NE
- Media are also invited to The Food Processing Center – Room 111
- Wednesday, May 18 – 2:30 PM – 1901 North 21 Street Lincoln, NE
- Media will be allowed onto the Pilot Lab floor for photo and video of extrusion process
- NSB–Tom Hoxmeier—308-991-3629
- ASA/WISHH– Charlie Townsend—334-991-0021
WISHH connects trade and development across global market systems, improving food security. Knowing that protein plays an essential role in human nutrition, visionary U.S. soybean growers founded WISHH in 2000 to serve as a catalyst in emerging markets. WISHH brings the power of strategic partnerships to a unique market-systems approach. Local business leaders, governmental and nongovernmental organizations, and academic institutions join WISHH in increasing demand and fueling economic growth for the sustained availability of nutritious and affordable human foods and livestock feeds
Learn more about WISHH at: www.wishh.org/