Education Programs

Soybean education programs can help to promote a better understanding of the role that soybeans play in our lives, and the importance of sustainable farming practices for our future.


  • Increase awareness and understanding of the importance of soybeans as a food crop and as a source of protein.
  • Provide information about sustainable soybean farming practices, which can help to protect the environment and support the livelihoods of farmers.
  • Teach youth about the various uses of soybeans in industry and consumer products, such as biofuels, lubricants, and plastics.
  • Encourage youth to pursue careers in agriculture and related fields, such as plant science, food science, and biotechnology.
  • Provide an opportunity for youth to learn about different cultures and their relationship with soybeans.
AG Sack Lunch Program

The Nebraska Ag Sack Lunch Program was designed to educate Nebraska fourth-graders on the important role of agriculture in Nebraska; past, present and future. The program was created…

Soybeans A to Z

Invite a soy educator to your classroom! The Nebraska Soybean Board provides soy educators who travel the state and present an hour-long “Soybeans: A-Z” program to…