Invite a soy educator to your classroom! The Nebraska Soybean Board provides soy educators who travel the state and present an hour-long “Soybeans: A-Z” program to 4th-grade classrooms. This interactive presentation teaches students about the many uses, environmental benefits, and how farmers grow and harvest soybeans. During the presentation, students have a “Soybeans: A-Z” placemat to follow along with. The placemats feature a soy product for each letter of the alphabet. At the end of the presentation, students may ask questions and get to play the “Use Your Bean” game which tests their knowledge and listening skills.
The “Soybeans: A to Z” presentation includes concepts and skills that contribute to satisfying many of the Nebraska State Education Standards. Teachers report this program aligns with the curriculum related to the state of Nebraska, plants, and renewable and nonrenewable resources.
This program reaches more than 15,000 fourth-graders across the state annually.
Are you interested in having a soy educator visit your fourth-grade class? Email [email protected].