The Nebraska Soybean Board (NSB) is now accepting proposals for the FY24 funding cycle that strategically align with four initiative areas: Farmer Support, Production & Crop Research, Community Engagement and Demand & Utilization. The funding cycle begins on October 1, 2023, and ends on September 30, 2024.
All project plans should aim to benefit all Nebraska soybean farmers and address opportunities for research, education, promotion, or increasing the demand for soy. Interested parties can view more details on the NSB proposal process, including timelines, initiative areas, and strategic plan documents here.
“The Nebraska Soybean Board continues to look into opportunities that grow demand for soybeans and add value for Nebraska producers,” said NSB executive director, Andy Chvatal. “Our strategic plan is vital to helping us accomplish our mission of growing value for Nebraska farmers by maximizing their checkoff investments.”
For over three decades, NSB has been dedicating soybean checkoff funds to support Nebraska soybean farmers and the industry as a whole. Previously funded work includes research and promotion of biodiesel, increased exports of red meats, sustainably promoting livestock production in Nebraska, bolstering value of exports through the Pacific Northwest, and education projects focused on the importance of soybeans in Nebraska agriculture.
“If you have a new and innovative idea that aligns with our goals, we encourage you to contact us and see if we can help build a blueprint for success,” said NSB chairman, Doug Saathoff. “It really takes a team to create opportunities for Nebraska soybean farmers and that is a team I am proud to be a part of.”
Proposals will be evaluated on their effectiveness at addressing the needs of Nebraska soybean farmers and the overall alignment with NSB’s current strategic plan.
The deadline for submitting proposals is May 12, 2023. To access the proposal form, please visit:
For additional questions, please contact Andy Chvatal at 402-441-3240 or [email protected].
About the Nebraska Soybean Board: The nine-member Nebraska Soybean Board collects and disburses the Nebraska share of funds generated by the one-half of one percent times the net sales price per bushel of soybeans sold. Nebraska soybean checkoff funds are invested in research, education, domestic and foreign markets, including new uses for soybeans and soybean products.