Weekly Radio Report

Wesley Wach, demand and utilization coordinator for the Nebraska Soybean Board talks about a recent grant that the Nebraska Soybean Board awarded to the City of Lincoln to use B-20 in their fleet. There are nearly 130 vehicles in the Lincoln city fleet that will use B20 biodiesel.

Tony Johanson, farmer and United Soybean Board(USB) director from Oakland gives an update on USB programming and a spring planting report from his part of the state.

Dr. Tammera Mittelstet, statewide education and career pathways coordinator with the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) at the University of Nebraska-LincolnL talks about the 2024 Summer Soybean Institute.

Marypat Corbett, Director of Latin America Division & Special Projects Lead with the World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH) has an update on WISHH and April being Soy Foods Month.

Stacey Agnew. executive director of the Nebraska FFA Foundation talks about this week's Nebraska FFA Convention and the contribution and support from the Nebraska Soybean Board.

Dr. Tom Elmo Clemente is the 2024 recipient of the Larry Tonniges Research Achievement Award, which was given out last week at the NSB March meeting. Tom also gives an update on soy technology and its demand in the renewable fuels industry.

Kris Bousquet with AFAN & the Nebraska State Dairy Association talks about the latest Nebraska Soybean Board See for Yourself Tour, held in California. It was a great opportunity to lead a group of Nebraska farmers through an immersive experience of California’s unique agricultural industry

Wesley Wach, demand and utilization coordinator with the Nebraska Soybean Board (NSB) recaps a recent trade mission to Mexico. NSB joined Ag Processing Inc and other producers from Kansas, Iowa and Missouri on this trade mission to meet with customers of Midwest-sourced soy in western Mexico.

Anne Meis, farmer and Nebraska Soybean Board district director reviews last week's Commodity Classic held in Houston, Texas. There were over 11,500 attendees including more than 4,600 farmers along with exhibitors, industry stakeholders, and ag media at the four-day event.

Nebraska soybean farmers face important issues in the field and market. Listen to the Nebraska Soybean Board Weekly Radio Report to keep up with the latest in soybean programs, news from the field and interviews from your district representatives on the Nebraska Soybean Board.

The weekly, two-minute program updates soybean farmers about current events and projects supported with Nebraska soybean checkoff dollars.
Listen to the Weekly Radio Report on the following stations or from the archive below.