Weekly Radio Report

Laura Thompson, Nebraska On-Farm Research Network Director, talks about what to expect at research results update meetings and why you should attend. Learn more at onfarmresearch.unl.edu.

Andy Chvatel has been named the next executive director of the Nebraska Soybean Board. We learn more about him in this report. Andy began his new role on January 30.

Greg Anderson, Newman Grove farmer and district director on the Nebraska Soybean Board, recaps the 2023 Clean Fuels Conference. Formally the National Biodiesel Conference, the new focus encompasses biodiesel, renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel.

Crystal Klug, Columbus farmer and CommonGround Nebraska volunteer talks about attending the National CommonGround Conference in Savannah, Georgia.

On this week's program, we learn more about Blake Johnson, farmer from Holdrege and the newest district director on Nebraska Soybean Board. Blake also recaps the January board meeting and previews an upcoming trade mission to Mexico.

Wesley Wach, demand and utilization coordinator for the Nebraska Soybean Board, reports on a recent trade mission to Southeast Asia which helped promote Nebraska-grown soybeans and fostered international relationships.

Mike Tomes, farmer and district director on the Nebraska Soybean Board, recaps the 2022 Clean Fuels NYC Big Apple Tour.

Anne Meis, farmer and district director on the Nebraska Soybean Board, recaps CrushCon 2022 in Cartagena, Columbia.

Stan Born, a farmer from Illinois and vice chairman of the US Soybean Export Council reviews a record marketing year for U.S. soybean exports.

Nebraska soybean farmers face important issues in the field and market. Listen to the Nebraska Soybean Board Weekly Radio Report to keep up with the latest in soybean programs, news from the field and interviews from your district representatives on the Nebraska Soybean Board.

The weekly, two-minute program updates soybean farmers about current events and projects supported with Nebraska soybean checkoff dollars.
Listen to the Weekly Radio Report on the following stations or from the archive below.